Monday, August 26, 2013

Movie Ticket Monday: Kick-Ass 2

I got to see this a few days ago near where I live.  The theater was great, it's a really new theater and they have a VIP room (for $2.50 more it's 21 and over, so no kids and they is a bar right next to ya) and the seats are super comfy!

Kick-Ass 2 was a continuation from the first movie.  There is more blood, violence, language, and dark, dark comedy, but for a Kick-Ass flick I wouldn't expect anything less.  If you are a fan of the first one then you need to go and see it while it's still on the big screen.  Stay after the credits (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) and you'll see... stuff.  I'm leaving it at that.  Now it's time to wait for Kick-Ass 3!  This series is like a superhero story with no "real" superheros.  Just regular people put in extraordinary situations and then the chips fall where they may.

I was also surprised at Jim Carrey's role and later his distance from the film.  I also totally didn't realize that Dr. Gravity was played by Donald Faison who played the character Dr. Christopher Turk on the show, Scrubs.  Crazy I tell you.

If you saw Kick-Ass 2 what did you think of the flick.  Live up to the hype?  Did it wait to long between the first one to be relevant?  Let me (and the Interwebz know) what you thought.

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