Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Running With Ginger! 2nd Photo update breakfast!

So I've been slacking I won't lie.  Haven't done a ton of running outside nor worked out a lot on the fitness game on the Xbox 360.  Today that changes.  Burned a total of 235 calories on Your Shape: Fitness Evolved, and I think if I haven't killed myself with exercise already I might go for a short run.  My question to everyone is what do you do to not fall into a rut when exercising?  How do you keep the magic alive?  Thoughts and suggestions would be appreciated!

Okay onto the photos, sorry for the I'm in a bathroom photo, I know, not flattering!  But here ya go!

Current weight is: 164.2 which is kind of a bummer since that is the same weight when I started this blog series last month.  Must step it up!  #NeverStop

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