Thursday, April 11, 2013

Comic Review: Swamp Thing # 14 *SPOILERS*

Rotworld: The Green Kingdom, Part 2, JAN 2013, DC NEW 52, $2.99

Writer: Scott Synder
Artist: Yanick Paquette

This one really picks up the pace (in my eyes!), Swamp Thing travels up the rivers of the Rotworld to, where else, Gotham City, looking for Mr. Batman!  A super awesome appearance of Starro in is this baby and the artwork is sweet!  Love me some Starro! 

I don't care how Swampy makes quick work of the cosmic being so easily, I feel there should have been more of a fight.  It was kind of like when you watch a horror movie, and you waiting for the hero and the killer to dual it out and it just fizzles out.  A bit of a let down if you ask me, but I will take Starro when I can get him.  How many more times can I say Starro in this SPOILERTASTIC review!  It's like how many licks does it take to get the the center of Starro?  Damn, I did it again.  STARRO!  Oh, also, Deadman has a guest appearance.

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