Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Comic Review: Swamp Thing # 13 *SPOILERS*

Rotworld: The Green Kingdom: Part 1 - DEC 2012, DC New 52, $2.99

Writer: Scott Snyder
Artist: Yanick Paquette

The Swamp Thing learns how the Earth has fallen to the Rot over the past year, as seen in Animal Man and Frankenstein: Agent of S.H.A.D.E. Guest-starring Poison Ivy, Deadman, and the Parliament of Trees. 

I am personally loving the direction that Swamp Thing has been going lately.  The Rotworld storyline has been pretty sweet, though, I feel that it's been going on for a bit too long.  I am still enjoying it though.  The writing and artwork has been superb to say the least.  I have also been enjoying that there have been guest-stars in these last few issues of Swamp Thing. 

I am really excited to see where the series is going as a whole. 

Coming up is more reviews of Swamp Thing later today!  Stay tuned!

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