Saturday, March 2, 2013

This Week in Rock Band

So I'm a day late here, what is new, eh?

Blitz Singles 3/5/13

All -American Rejects - "Kids in the Street" (O)
Blink-182 - "Always" (O)
Red Hot Chili Peppers - "Give it Away" (O, X)

(X denotes PRO Guitar/Bass upgrade, O denotes Keyboard)

There's a crap ton of RBN releases this week!  Please click your mouse on this link to check it before you wreak it!

RBN releases for Feb. 28, 2013

Nice.  I will totally get the PRO upgrade for this week to be sure, and I will have to check out the songs on the RBN and see if any of those take my fancy.  That is once I get the Xbox back and my wife and kitties are reunited with me!  Man I miss those crazy bastards!  Word.  See you in a few with an updated life blog post and a quick quip about the awesome book, Ready Player One!

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