Sunday, February 24, 2013

Topic: Life

Well it's been pretty rough here lately.  Job prospects are a bit on the dry side, but I'm putting in apps every day and still volunteering my time at the library which seems to grow by the week.  I enjoy it and it gives me something to do so I don't go crazy.  Been watching a ton of movies (borrowed from the library as well) and reading quite a bit to occupy my time. 

Been missing on my video games since I haven't really played since I left Washington, it'll be nice to play Rock Band again when my lovely wife gets here with her sweet self and our two fuzzy kitties. 

Can't wait to get into town and hit up the local comic stores and record shops.  Also, would love to hit up a coffee shop or two as long as they have soy creamer that is!

Also if anyone is interested in hiring a Ginger to do their evil bidding (insert maniacal laughter here), or need a novice zombie make up artist/less than part time actor hit me up in the comment section below.  If needed I can provide a resume as well, seriously!  Any takers?

Alright, I'll be back sooner than later this week with some witty dialogue or some less than stellar banter or some good news.  Keep it real, crazies!

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