Saturday, February 23, 2013

Topic: The End of Rock Band DLC

Well it's a sad state of affairs, as I sit in the public library and listen to Foster the People's Torches album I write this sad blog.  Over five years ago I found this game called Guitar Hero II and kinda liked it.  Then I ditched the "other" franchise for Harmonix's Rock Band.  I never fucking looked back.  Rock Band, Rock Band 2, Rock Band 3, AC/DC: Rock Band, The Beatles: Rock Band, and LEGO: Rock Band are in my collection, including over 1000 downloaded pieces of content, or DLC as it's commonly referred to. Not to mention the plastic equipment that was piecemeal-ed over the years, hell, I even have the PRO Guitar for RB3 even though I own a real one, yeah go me.  The only thing I've kept from Guitar Hero is the Explorer that came with GHII.  Total price I've paid: over $3000.00 for everything.  Total happiness I've gotten from playing with friends and family: Priceless.  I've made a ton of friends on XBL and I even worked (for MSP) for RockGamer Studios to playtest songs before they hit the RBN (Rock Band Network).  Groovy pickles, bro!

So how do I feel about the end of the weekly DLC releases?  Well, frankly, it sucks!  Friday has always been a day that I look forward to, to see what is going to be released for RB (Rock Band) next Tuesday, and now after April 2nd that won't happen.  At first I thought it might be a cruel April Fools joke by HMXHenry, but alas, I don't think it is.  Where will I spend my money (when I get it) now?  What will I excitedly say to my wife even though she doesn't give a shit on Friday now?  I sure I will find another obsession to obsess upon, though not all is lost!  RBN will continue to churn out new tracks for us Rockbandiphiles to drool about.  Thank you, RBN and the tireless authors that continue to fuel my gamer needs.

A big THANK YOU to Harmonix for supply me with something to kill time with, try and sing like a banshee, find new Xbox friends, engage my close friends and family to Angel's (and the EARBLEEDERS) singing (Yes, a cat named Dinger bite me while Angel sang Iron Maiden's "Run to the Hills" in horrible, horrible pitch, still to this day I can't listen to the song, thanks Angel!), and had countless hours of fun (and mild frustration, due to the song "Visions", Gr.) and slightly drunken enjoyment more than a few times.

It's been on hell of a trip and a ride that I would gladly have another go-around on any day of the damn week. 


P.S. I am curious as to what the last track that will be dropped on our collective heads on April 2nd.  I am thinking either:

The Doors - "The End"


Don McLean - "American Pie"

I guess we'll find out later...

If you'd like to comment on this post, or your thoughts on the end of Rock Band, please feel free.

1 comment:

  1. The end by the Doors would be good or just not stopping DLC....Lol!! But a song that comes to mind that wouldn't be a bad last song is Take the long way home by Supertramp!!!!
