Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Video Game/DVD Tuesdays

Well it's Tuesday, new RB tracks released today!  Sweet.  Also it's that time of the week were video games and DVD's are released.  So let's see what's happening on the DVD front first.

Well if I owned a Blu-Ray player I might be excited to see a ton of movies coming out this week.  But I don't.  So I'm not.  Another blah week.  Onto the video games!

Well, nothing on the video game front for me.  So I guess I'll throw out some film and video game suggestions...

SockBaby (2004)

Westhavenbrook films put out SockBaby a number of years ago, and honestly John Soares is going to be on of my topics on Shameless (Other) Self-Promotion this Friday as well as a few other film nuts that I went to school with or worked on projects with.  Good times.  Stay tuned for that blog post this Friday.  Until then enjoy this old school film from the fine folks at Westhavenbrook.  You'll be glad you did.  There is more than just part 1, just FYI for ya.

I was going to suggest a game or two to play but honestly I don't play to many games (new games) anymore.  So I'll suggest the awesome music rythum game, Rock Band 3.  Great for parties or when you've been drinking to much by yourself!  Good stuff right there.  I'd also suggest Minecraft, you know if you're into building shit and all that.  Pretty fun to say the least and it turns the day over pretty damn quickly.  

Well there ya have it.  Not too much of a video game or DVD Tuesday is it?  Nope, I think not.  Well, I'll be back in a bit with some knowledge (or insanity) spewing forth from my brain. 

You've been warned!

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