Thursday, August 9, 2012

Wild Rock Band Speculation!

It's Thursday and you know what that means!  It's time for (a little bit more) RB speculation!

So I speculated on Tuesday that it was going to be a three pack by one artist.  I think that still stands.  What band will it be, I don't know.  Will @HMXhenry help me out today.  No.  It's all good I like this game.  Keeps me fresh and lets me babble on about Rock Band, which honestly, if you've never played give it a try... just kidding.  I know you all play.  Right?  Right.

Here's a few other bands that could potentially be announced tomorrow.  I think.  Maybe.

The Stooges, Avenged Sevenfold, T. Rex, The Doors, or a number of other bands could be announced tomorrow.

I'll start the hype train one day early and predict Metallica.  Yes, I know Metallica again.  Sweet Jesus, when will he stop with the Metallica?  I'll stop when they put some more in the game.  It's been a few years since Guitar He... er, that "other music game" bowed out for a bit we should really see some more from those guys that brought you such classics as "Jump in the Fire", "One", and "The Thing that Should Not Be". (I threw out the first three songs that come to mind, I would love any Metallica honestly (well except anything past the Black/Self-Titled album, sorry later day Metallica fans!) it would be an insta-buy day One.  Ha.  Get it! 

Will it be Metallica?  Will it be something else entirely?  Who knows?  I don't.  But it's fun to think what may come out tomorrow.  What do you think it'll be? 

Sound off!  Go!

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