Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Video Game/DVD Tuesdays

Well it's that time, folks!  It's Tuesday and I'm hear to enlighten you as to what is coming out in the video game and DVD department.  This week I'm starting off with games, and instead of just the Xbox 360, I'm going to talk about upcoming PS3, DSi, PSP, Wii, and PC games as well.  Following that I'll talk about upcoming DVD's.  Blu-Rays will be introduced into my weekly post from this point forward.

You see I'm trying to raise my Klout in these things.  What's Klout you ask?  Why it's just a internet standard for measuring influence across a variety of different social networks, (including but not limited to: Facebook, Twitter, Google, Foursquare, and Last.FM) you can also add people and give them Klout in topics that you feel they've influenced you in.  It's an interesting thing.


If you'd be so kind (if you signed up) to give me Klout in any of the topics that I've influenced you in through my blog and what not.  Remember to add me as an influence too!  Okay, shameless self promotion over, on with show.

Video Game Releases for 8/29/12

Xbox 360

Madden NFL 13' (Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, PlayStation Vita)

EA pushes out another yearly Madden NFL game.  Now with Kinect!  Call plays, audibles, switch things on the fly.  Pretty neat tech if you ask me.  I haven't played a Madden game since Madden 06, which I think was the first Madden out for the Xbox 360.  With Kinect integrated this might be a title worth picking up, not that I have the clams for it or anything.

Damage Inc.: Pacific Squadron WWII (Xbox 360, PS3, PC)

Flight Combat Simulation!  Not that I'm good at that or anything but it's FUN! WWII Military Aircraft!  Check!  Looks fun and honestly there can't be enough of these games!  Seriously.

Mass Effect 3: Leviathan (DLC) (Xbox 360, PS3, PC)

So I played the first Mass Effect game and let me tell you, it was something special.  I remember the space port at the beginning took me something like three hours to complete and it took me awhile after that to go back to it, but I'm glad I did.  It was a blast to play.  I never played the second or third one, but I sure they are the bees knees.

Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker HD Edition (Xbox 360, PS3)

Wasn't I just talking about the first NES game a post ago.  Well Solid Snake has come a long way from 8-Bit.  I've only played both Metal Gear Solid and Metal Gear Solid: Snake's Revenge.  I think I played a Metal Gear game back on the GameCube but I can't remember and I'm not looking it up!  If you a Metal Gear fan, you're probably going to own this.

WWE WrestleFest

The popular iPhone/iPad game is hitting the XBLA this Wednesday.  Are you ready?  I said, ARE YOU READY!  Depending on how much it is and how the demo plays I might actually pick this up, after some consumer research that is!  More DLC, that is all I'm asking!  Now can you dig that, SUCKA!

Joe Danger 2: The Movie

I want to say that this original IP came out for the GameCube and now it's a sequel on XBLA.  I missed the first one hitting the live arcade, let alone a second game.  Hell, I've never played the game but I am sure a few people will get this and enjoy it.

Rock Band Blitz (Xbox 360, PS3)

Well if you read my blog you know my thoughts about this game already.  With that said, I hope Harmonix makes a zillion dollars off this for the eventual release of RB4 on next gen consoles, or you know, if Viacom plays maybe it'll be sooner, whoops did I just type it, or think it.... Did they hear me?

Anyways, get it if you don't want to invest in all those pesky instruments.  Also, you know buy all the DLC so Harmonix keeps doing what they do best!

Max Payne 3: Disorganized Crime Map Pack (Xbox 360, PS3)

Look a game I've actually gotten a chance to play (thanks RedBox!) and what a great game it is!  Need more goodness?  Well RockStar has the hook-up!  A groovy little map pack coming your way.  Taste the Payne-y flavor!  Now with more blood!

Playstation 3

God of War Saga

 Collects God of War, God of War II, God of War III, and God of War: Origins remastered in HD.  That is a ton of bang for your buck!  Never played the God of War games, but if I get a PS3, I might pick this up just to check out the games.  Awesome compilation at a decent price.

Ratchet & Clank Collection

 Includes Ratchet & Clank, Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando, and Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal all remastered.  Once again another sweet collection and for someone who doesn't own a PS3 and a new console owner these collection games would be great to try.  If you love Ratchet & Clank you've probably already have your pre-order in and salivating at the very thought of playing this today.

inFamous Collection

Collects the first two inFamous games, as well as Festival of Blood.  Good deal once again.  Not to sure if inFamous is the right game for me but like Mikey, I'll eat anything.

Journey Collector's Edition

Three games in one box.  You get Journey, Flower, and flOw.  Never played them but it's cool that you get three games for the price of one.  Grab em' while you can!

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HD

Now on PS3!  Remember what you loved about Tony Hawk?  Sick tricks and no board peripheral either!  Sweet.  Just like Baseball and Apple Pie!  Go get some!

Nintendo Wii

Mama's 2-Pack

No screenshot box art or description available.  Get at your own risk!

Nintendo 3DS

Roller Coaster Tycoon

Loved this game on the PC.  If I had a 3DS I'd grab this bad boy up!  Fun, fun game.  Don't know if they've simplified for the 3DS but either way it'll be great!

Order Up!!

Another chef-simulation type of game.   Not worth my time.  Moving on.

Chevrolet Camaro: Wild Ride

No box art or description given.  If you love Chevrolet you'll be alright, otherwise, buy at your own risk!


Guild Wars 2

Have I played the first one?  Nope.  I don't even know anything about this game.  I am sure people are crapping their britches right now either over my statement or their anxiousness over having to wait less than twenty four hours until release.  You wouldn't understand, it's a Guild Wars 2 thing.

Knight Age

3D Fantasy MMORPG!  Why not.  It's not like the market if flooded with these or anything.  Might be interesting but I don't play MMO's.  So I'll pass on this bad boy.


An RTS with a rich Sci-Fi setting with competitive online action.  Sign me up!  If you dig on those RTS then give this one a look.

There is a few more PC titles, but nothing that is standing out to talk about.  If you're still with me on this new and lengthy journey let's grab that popcorn, turn up the sound and dim the lights, because this week I'm introducing Blu-Ray discs in the mix.  What!  What!

DVD/Blu-Ray Releases for 8/28/2012

Let's see, oh man, there's a ton of stuff coming out this week.  I'm going to start with Universal 100th Anniversary Blu-Rays.  Now I'm only going to post a one pic to show what the border of each disc is going to be and then I'll list all the ones coming out this week!  Awesome.  Let's get to it!

List of Universal 100th Anniversary Editions for this week:

Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds
Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein
Jurassic Park
The Lost World: Jurassic Park
Jurassic Park III
Out of Africa
Double Indemnity
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Man, that has to hurt the wallet of a collector this week.  Ouch.  Glad I don't have a hardcore need to own all of these films.  I already have Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind on DVD.  I'd own The Birds and Scarface on Blu-Ray if I had a Blu-Ray player.  Let's see what is coming out on the Horror DVD/Blu-Ray front.

The Walking Dead: The Complete Second Edition Blu-Ray

 I mean who doesn't want that staring them in the face every day.  It's pretty disturbing to say the least and I'm sure it would be a conversation starter with new people.  The screwdriver is killing me...

The Living Dead Girl (Blu-Ray/DVD)

Never seen it, but if I was a kid again that cover alone would make me want to see it.  I'm sure it's not as great as a bucket of chicken or a bag of chips, but, I'm a sucker for horrible horror films.  Believe that player.  Oh Redemption, you so crazy!  Love it!

Two Orphaned Vampires
Once again, never seen it but maybe I need to take a trip to ScareCrow Video and do some renting!  Looks disturbing, watch at your own risk!  That goes for the film above too!

Lovely Molly
If I recall the trailer correctly it's a shaky-cam style flick that centers around possession.  Even though I think it's a PG-13 rating, it still might be worth seeing.  It'll be a Netflix rental to be sure!

Jersey Shore Shark Attack
Man this looks awful.  Can't wait to see it!  Snarf!

So Horror films aren't your bag?  Love those day drainging films that spans a crapload of disc, well look no further LoTR fans, you Blu-Ray day has arrived!

The Lord of the Rings Trilogy Extended Editions Blu-Ray

Each Blu-Ray comes with a total of five discs and probably a ton of blu-ray features and extras.  Even though I own these editions on DVD, I still want them on Blu-Ray (even though I have no player), is that wrong?  Yes.  Yes, it is.

There are a ton of other Blu-Ray/DVD's coming out this week, so break open them piggy banks and get to steppin'!

Well, are you still with me?  Cool, thanks for reading this new and improved, and insanely long version of Video Game/DVD Tuesday.


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