Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Video Game/DVD Tuesdays

Howdy folks!  This is pretty much the first time I've been on the net' today so that's kind of amazing in and of itself.  Let's see what is up on the video game front for today.

A controller based Tony Hawk game that looks damn sweet.  Loved the older Tony Hawk games, but once they put the board out I was like, nah.  Skate didn't really do it for me either, though I dig the snowboarding games a lot.  But this game seems to be going back to the roots of linking sick tricks for major combo points.  Classic.  Nerd.  Perfect.  Depending on price and HDD space (and if Rock Band doesn't announce something awesome for me to get, it been about two months!) will decide if I pick this up!  Yummy.  Nothing else coming out this week game wise on the 360 for me.  I guess if you're into Mass Effect 3 DLC you'll have a hot ticket on your hands. 

Well onto the DVD's.

Wow.  There are a ton of DVD's coming out this week.  Some cool.  A ton of them that look horrible.  Probably something for everyone, except me.  If you into crazy anime porn you could check out Cool Devices, which is pretty f'd up.  There is also a bare bones edtiion of the original Invasion of the Body Snatchers.  But like I said nothing for me.  Ho hum, maybe next week.  I feel I've been saying that quite a bit lately.  Hope you enjoyed the short blog today.  Come back tomorrow and see me blog again! 

Sour out!

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