Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Rock Band Blitz! Four More Songs Announced!

So Harmonix opened the door a little wider with regards to Rock Band Blitz.  We got the date (Aug. 28, 2012 for the Xbox 360), the price ($14.99), but honestly, it's all about the songs. 

Without further ado:

Avenged Sevenfold - "So Far Away"
Fun feat. Janelle Monae - "We Are Young"
Kool & The Gang - "Jungle Boogie"
My Chemical Romance - "Sing"

I'll be honest, the set list so far is not great (for me).  There's only a handful of tracks that I want.  From what I understand there should be another six tracks to be announced soon.  If they aren't legendary tracks I might not buy this.  I like playing Rock Band don't get me wrong, but if the set list is weak (once again, to me) I won't be getting it, period.

Here's being hopeful for some insanely awesome tracks to still be announced.  Hell, I'll be happy if there's some decent tracks announced this Friday.  It's been one of the longest DLC dry spells I've ever had.  Almost two months... sad panda.

What do you think?  Are you digging on the new tracks?  Are you horrified?  Sound off below!

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