Sunday, July 8, 2012

Three Bands that in all Reality Will Never Appear in Rock Band (Never Say Never)

Here I am throwing this out there.  I'd love Harmonix to prove me wrong on this, I really do.  Now I know that no one from Harmonix can discuss this with anyone as it will damage their relationship with said band(s).  But judging from the fact that these bands have never had music in the game (or in the case of the first band only one song, from RB 1 I believe), so without further ado, three bands that won't appear in RB any time soon:

Rolling Stones

 We (the collective RB community) received "Gimme Shelter" in Rock Band 1 and haven't had a song since.  Now folks let me throw out there that that was November of 2007.  It's just shy of the start of the 5th year.  Why is that?  We've seen other tracks in other "music based games", "I(Can't Get No) Satisfaction", "The Spider and the Fly", and "Play with Fire" from the Rocksmith game, and might I add that game was just released.  So what's the deal?  Who know?  Harmonix does, but they ain't talking.  I sure hope we see some more Rolling Stones in the game at some point.

Led Zeppelin

I'm personally not a big fan of Led Zeppelin, but I imagine (as it shows on the RB Dashboard on FB) that Led Zeppelin has been one of most requested bands to have not appeared in the game yet.  So why haven't they?  Don't know.  Could be money, it could be that the band doesn't want to appear in music games, licensing, or a combination of all or none of the above.  Don't know.  Wish whatever the hang up is would be done and over with and for all the fans clamoring for the Zeppelin would be happy.

Guns N' Roses

I am bummed that we've never had any early tracks from Guns N' Roses.  Sure we got the Chinese Democracy album on April 16, 2009, so it's been over three years since we've seen anything by this awesome band.  I mean who wouldn't buy a three pack with: "Sweet Child of Mine", "November Rain", and "Welcome to the Jungle", among a host of other songs, I'm pretty sure darn near the mass of hardcore RB players out there (and no, I don't know what that number is) who would buy any and all tracks from early Guns N' Roses.  Just my two cents on this.

Now you've noticed I left off a few major bands on this post.  I've mentioned Metallica in a previous post as well as a few other bands that haven't gotten their debut or have only released a handful of tracks in a five year span on the platform.  Don't get me wrong, even though this next week's release is Daughtry, that I won't be getting, I'm glad to see them in the game as they are a new band.  Because every new band is a great thing.  Also, this is why the RBN is great.  So many great bands debut there all the time.  New bands equal win in my book.  I've stated this before and I'll state it again, I think that the latter half of this year is going to be awesome for RB (and the RBN), with new bands, classic bands coming back with new tracks, and dare I say it, bands that haven't been represented (that the fans have been waiting for) will be represented.

What do you think, Dear Readers, will we see these above mentioned bands come to RB again (or for the very first time) this year?  Am I dreaming?  Is this just a Tootsie Pop conundrum, three licks and all that, hell, ask Mister Owl.

Sour out!

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