Monday, November 21, 2011

Movie Ticket Monday: Man in the Moon

I saw this one on December 24, 1999 at the Modesto 18.  If I recall correctly I saw this film with Linda and Mark.  The was a really good flick and something a little different for Jim Carrey at that time.  I also remember this film was really sad in a lot of places but good nonetheless. 

Hmm, I guess this post was shorter than I thought it was going to be.  Well, Dear Readers, we'll see you tomorrow for DVD Tuesday, Video Game Tuesday, and Rock Band Tuesday and who knows maybe a different post just to switch it up a bit around here.  See you all tomorrow... you crazy bastards!

1 comment:

  1. I watched it in the theater on 12/31/99. We were the only four people in the theater and half way through the clock struck midnight. We throw popcorn in the air to celebrate and when the world didn't end as expected we realized we need to find a new use for all the ducktape we previously purchased for the coming of the new millennium.
