Thursday, October 6, 2011

Life: Short Blurb #5

Had a nice dinner last night with Angel, Symph, MGX, and Brit at this fancy pants place called Burrata Bistro.  I had the beef rib with polenta. It was might tasty.  The winter is coming back with a vengence, it is beginning to look at lot like Innsmouth here.  Gurgle.  Blub.  Blub.  (That means Hello in Deep One, by the by)  The days of sunshine are gone.

Went across the water and found two (count em') new records (yes, records) of Spike Jones from an Antique Mall for Symphony.  Always glad to add more vinyl to the collection, amongst the tapes and discs as well.  Ain't technology grand?  Hmm.  Yes, it is.

So I totally spaced to post the first Movie Ticket Monday this last Monday, so I will start blogging about it on the 10th of October.  You've been warned.

Halloween is getting closer and closer.  Nice. Anyone out there dressing up?  I don't know if I will or not.  I guess it depends on what I do.  Maybe a zombie?  It would seem to probably be the easiest.  Maybe a trip to a costume shop is in order?  Yes, yes I think so.

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