Well nothing that I can live without on DVD. Let's take a look at the video game side of things for the Xbox 360 this week:
Yes! Yes! Yes! This is a good week for games for the Xbox 360 IMO. First up:
Loved the first one on the original on the Xbox, hell that game was sliced bread. Innovative. Dark. Cthulhu is mentioned. Even a aggravating dream sequence or two that was utterly and positively disturbing still to this day. I hate to say it but I never played the second game at all so I can't really comment on that one. But I am sure this game is going to be pretty sweet. It also has bullet time which is never a bad thing, it'll be interesting to see if they revisit anything from the previous 2 stories. I haven't really looked into previews for this game at all, but I'm sure in Rockstar's capable hands it'll be something really special.
Well, well, well. The game I love to loathe. Make no mistake this was the first arcade cabinet video game I played in the all but forgotten brick and mortar Arcades when I was six years old. The game costs fifty cents and that was back in 1982, big money, big prizes. I put a lot of money into that game. I loved the actual cartoon nature of the game and I found the "brave knight adventure to save the princess from the clutches of an evil dragon" was awesome. About ten or so years ago I purchased the game that used my DVD remote to play. I beat the game in thirty minutes. Some of the magic was gone, but I still have a place in my heart for this great game. Even my avatar is supporting a Dragon's Lair t-shirt. Dragon's Lair Avatar T-Shirt Yeah, I'm a nerd.
Well that looks like it for this week. Are you looking forward to these games? Is something better coming out? Sound off below.
I was too cheap to unload a lot of money into the Dragon's Lair machines, but still had plenty of fun just watching everyone else play and make the wrong choices. The graphics were epic for the time even though the game play was very static. I think I played and beat the NES version eventually.