Sunday, February 22, 2015

WWE Fastlane 2015 PPV Results

The WWE's newest PPV is coming at ya tonight! Here's my predictions:

Ryback, Rowan, and Ziggler vs Rollins, Big Show, and Kane: Slap dash thrown together match to fill the card, which is a shame, since I know that Ziggler and Rollins will steal the show here. As much as I wanna see the "faces" win, I think it'll be...

Winners: Seth Rollins, Big Show, and Kane *Rollins, Show, & Kane win by Show knocking out Ziggler. Bummer.

Goldust vs Stardust - Honestly I think they should've lengthen this feud for another month and had this match at WM this year. Will Goldust prevail or will Stardust claim the victory? I don't know. Maybe this...

Winner: Goldust *Goldust won though it didn't look like the ref dropped his hand for the three count. Weird.

Divas Championship Match Nikki Bella vs Paige - I would love to see Paige win the belt today, but I would also like to see someone else besides the Bellas or Paigge, or even AJ hold the title for a bit. What about Natayla? Just sayin...

Winner: Paige *Nikki wins with a cheap roll-up with the tights. Lame-o supreme-o.

WWE Tag Team Championship Match The Usos vs Cesaro & Tyson Kidd - Maybe it's just me, but I like to see the titles change hands more than not. This match could be won by either team, but I think it'll go to:

Winners: and STILL Tag Team Champions, The Usos! *New Tag Team Champs, Cesaro and Kidd! Good match!

Intercontinental Championship Match Bad News Barrett vs Dean Ambrose - Glad to see all three former members of the Shield are on this PPV. I think it's Dean's time to grab another title victory. He seemed like he held onto the US Championship forever. Would love to see him grab the IC title and run with it.

Winner: and NEW Intercontinental Champion, Dean Ambrose! *BNB wins by DQ, I think? I don't know who won this match. It was blah.

United States Championship Match Rusev vs John Cena - Honestly if they have Rusev lose than what has been his buildup for so long will go down in flames, reducing him to mid-card status forever. It's been forever since Cena has fought for the US belt, but I just don't see him winning it tonight.

Winner: and STILL United States Champion, Rusev! *Rusev wins with a cheap shot to Cena. Weak sauce.

Roman Reigns vs Daniel Bryan - This one is for all the marbles and honestly it should be the last match of the card. Whoever wins this match is going to WM to face Brock Lesnar for the belt on the grandest stage of them all. It's tough to call this one. But I think...

Winner: No Contest *Reigns wins to advance to WM to face the Beast, Brock Lesnar. Bryan's out. Boo, Wendy, Boo!

Alright folks, come back later today when I post the results and see how well (or terrible) I did.

I did okay on who I thought was going to win. I must say the PPV didn't seem amazeballs to me like the Rumble and the past few PPV's have been. I am sure WM will be awesome though, it always is. Tonight also gave up two matches for WM this year, Reigns vs Lesnar and Triple H vs Sting. They also started the seed for Bray vs Taker.

There you have it folks! Check back tomorrow bright and early when I post Blu-Ray Tuesdays and a video, if I can get my camera to work that is!

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