Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Running With Ginger! or Ouch!

So I haven't worked out in a month almost to the day. I suck. I did a few light runs and a bit of toning. I'm still sweating.  All my running stamina is gone, the days of fifteen solid minutes of running are slightly out of reach... for the moment. I'll get back up there, I know it. I still haven't gotten to run in a 5k yet, but I think if I had to today I could, as long as I pace myself. That seems to be my biggest obstacle right now, not knowing when to stop when my body tells me to. I really need to get better at that. Symph also tells me that to have a workout "habit", you need to do it for at least sixty-six days. Man, this is going be a tough one.

I weighed myself today, I am staying steady at 166.  Better than the 169 I was at last week, but I understand that we lose a pound or two when we sleep.   If I lose another ten pounds and throw on some muscles, then it'll be all good.

This month long breaks are no bueno!  See you soon, kiddies!

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