Friday, January 9, 2015

Life: What's Going On

Hello folks, it's been a few weeks since I posted and I have a great reason why. I've been having issues with kidney stones, and folks, let me tell you, it isn't sunshine and roses. It's painful. Crazy painful, and just my luck they might be stuck. I've been dealing with this issue for almost a month come Monday. I've learned some stuff. Make sure that you drink water and plenty of it. Also, cutting out copious amounts of coffee and soda help too, as well as checking your salt intake. Let's just say that my coffee consumption is down to two cups a day and my water intake is now through the roof.

I am hoping that these stones pass without any invasive surgery or the dreaded catheter. But if that is the way it is, then so be it. As long as these painful ass stones come out of me (if that is what is it, I won't really find out until next Friday when I go for a CT Scan) I will be a happy camper.

In other news, I had a pretty mellow X-Mas, my brother and sister-in-law got Symph and I a waffle maker and it freaking rocks! Love me some waffles.

In other other news, I realize that I cycle in obsessions, normally it's comic books, film, and gaming crap. Now my latest obsessions are mixology, home theater stuff, and movie collectables (which I think fits into the home theater aspect), I already own a few movie collectables (a cast signed Evil Dead poster from ZomBcon, a signed photo made out to me by Mr. George Romero, and a singed PVC Hellboy action figure signed by Mike Mignola. Not a bad start to movie memorabilia I think.

Alright, you'll see two large updates from the past few weeks in terms of This Week in Rock (Games) and DVD/Blu-Ray Tuesdays. Then hopefully I can get back to blogging for reals, yo.

Stay Calm and Drink Water

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