Thursday, December 11, 2014

WWE's TLC 2014 Predictions

Another year has gone by and it's time for WWE to put out their TCL (.. and Stairs) PPV! There's a decent amount of matches this year so let's not dilly-dally.

The New Day vs. Gold & Stardust (Kick-off Match) - Hey hey, The New Day is hear and they are playing the Faces (personally I thought they should be a Heel three man tag team, but I am not in WWE Creative, so there ya go. I am pretty sure since this is The New Day's first PPV match (sorta), well you can guess...

Winners: The New Day

WWE Tag Team Championship Match The Miz & Damien Mizdow vs The Usos - I gotta admit the crowd has been loving Miz and Miz 2.0 (2.0 better I think) but the Usos are a fan favorite as well. Huh, only 1 Heel in there (the Miz), that's funny, and weird, but whatever. So I am going to go with...

Winners: and NEW Tag Team Champions: The Usos!

Ryback vs Kane (Chairs Match) - It's straight up Monster vs Monster in this match and there is steel chairs! What's not to love about this. With the amount of hate Kane gets now, and how much love the WWE Universe is giving Ryback, I think it'll land in the "Big Guy's" favor.

Winner: Ryback

Rusev vs Jack Swagger (United States Title Match) - Will Jack Swagger win the gold against the Bulgarian brute? I can see WWE building Rusev to be totally unstoppable, but at the same time, the crowd has been kinda hot with Swagger. This one could go either way, but I think the belt will stay where it's at right now.

Winner: and STILL United States Champion, Rusev

Erick Rowen vs Big Show (Steel Stairs Match) - Crazy, WWE, a steel stairs match, against the two largest atheletes in the WWE. There were be blood. There will be carnage. It will be awesome. Not sure who's going to win though.

Winner: Big Show

Divas Championship Match Nikki Bella vs AJ Lee - So this one is a bit of a wonder, and that is just from what those horrible dirt sheets say. It's been said that no Diva who is on the E! show, Total Divas, will have the title, so it seems as if Nikki will drop to AJ. But wait, dirt sheet internet rumblings are saying that AJ Lee's last night with the company with be at TLC, so it seems as if she won't be gaining the gold for a fourth time. Personally I don't care what the dirt sheets say, I just want to see Nikki tap out to the Black Widow (and then get the beat-down by Brie to the chants of Yes! Yes! Yes! Hey a man can dream right?

Winner: AJ Lee

Dean Ambrose vs Bray Wyatt (TLC Match) - OMG! A traditional TLC match (I bet it doesn't go on last either, which it should) between The Lunatic Fringe and the Eater of Worlds. This is going to be pure wrasslin' gold, with a whole dose of weapons too! Squee! Who's going win? Nope, more like who's going to survive? That will be anyone's guess.

Winner: Bray Wyatt

Intercontinental Championship Match Luke Harper vs Dolph Ziggler (Ladder Match) - It seems weird to see Ziggler without gold around his waist. I want Dolph to win. The WWE Universe wants Dolph to win. C'mon, WWE, make it happen!

Winner: and NEW Intercontinental Champion, Dolph Ziggler!

John Cena vs Seth Rollins (Tables Match) - So the stipulation is if Cena LOSES then he loses his #1 Contender spot for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. So this is how (for another month!) that the WWE Creative has robbed us of another chance to see Lesnar defend the title. I mean, COME ON, I understand they want to legititize the title, but having a part-timer hold it for months and not even show up on RAW and talk trash, it kind of blows my mind. Where is the endgame here? A Royal Rumble match with the title, or are they that crazy as to hold off a WWE World Heavyweight match until Wrestlemania? God, I hope they are not that crazy. Right, the winner...

Winner: Seth Rollins

Alright folks there are the matches and what I think the outcome will be. Come back on Sunday night ot see if I was right or horribly, horribly wrong.

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