Monday, December 1, 2014

Movie Ticket Monday: Panic Room

Alright folks, I know it's late in the day here but I'm squeaking this post out before I watch some wrasslin'. Okay, Dear Readers, the date, March 29, 2002. The theater, The Modesto 18, in the heart of beautiful downtown Modesto, California, and trust me folks, I can call it beautiful now, I used to chill down the street at The Gauntlet before the theater was put down and let's just say that the downtown had a LOT to be desired. I saw this flick with somebody. I actually can't remember who. If you where there and your reading this, leave a comment, and I'll edit this bad boy for ya.

Panic Room was advertised like most movie, in what I refer to is the "movie trailer lie" or "trailer trap" as it's now commonly known, or when the trailer makes the film to be something that it's not. The trailer I saw made it sound like a horror film, and I was "down with the pound", if you know what I mean! But alas, it was all pork pies and sixes and sevens, and it was a tepid action suspense thriller (is that even a thing, fuck, I don't know, but hell, it sounds good). Snoozeville to the max, yo.

Alright Ladies and Germs, that is it for another... Movie Ticket Monday! Don't forget to throw your trash away on the way out, and don't forget to turn the cell phones back on, just kidding, no one turns their cell phones off unless the battery has died. True story.

Stay Calm and Chum the Waters

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