Tuesday, September 16, 2014

New Series: Blog Blast From the Past

So I thought I would go back and read the early posts of my blog. Then I had the thought of looking back and writing on those days, with updated thoughts on the subjects I've posted. Will this take off? Will I love it? I don't know, but it is interesting to reflect on the past.

So for the month of February I welcomed everyone to the blog, I talked about a few movies (Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist and The Wrestler), I called them reveiws but they really weren't, and I talked about my love of the Uncanny X-Men comics. Back then, they were about fifty issues away from ending the second series that I had been collecting for twenty plus years, of course I didn't know that at the time. After the series ending I stopped collecting Marvel titles and began collecting some issues with DC's New 52 titles, Swamp Thing and Justice League Dark, respectively. After those two series, I grabbed the first hardcover of Blackest Night and was blown away. I marked out for DC really hard for about two years, then I just couldn't get to the comic store with an regularity so I stopped collecting altogether.

Don't get me wrong, I still love comics, but I don't feel the need to have every single issue anymore, nor can I justify the sticker price on current comic books. Four bucks a comic, I don't think so.  I used to loathe the idea of trade paper backs, but now I think they are pretty brilliant, not that I've bought one in quite some time.

Well folks, there you have it, the first Blog Blast From the Past!

Stay Calm and Pigs in Space!

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