Saturday, May 3, 2014

WWE Extreme Rules 2014 PPV Results

El Torito vs Hornswoggle - Pre-Show match. I dig it. It'll be interesting to see what these two guys do. Hey Cole and JBL, just call the damn match and leave the jokes out of it. I think these two will put on an entertaining match, and let's not forget, it's Extreme Rules, so I expect to see some type of elevation of violence with these two. Expect interference from 3MB and Los Mantadores during this match. Though I think the victor will be...

Winner - El Torito *El Torito pins Hornswoggle after a surprisingly extreme match.

R-Truth & Xavier Woods vs Alexander Rusev (2-on-1 Handicap Match) - Interesting to see this as a handicap match. Truth, Woods, and Rusev have been putting on a okay program together, but I am ready to see Rusev go one on one with the larger Superstars. Put Truth and Woods in a Tag Team together and have them compete in the Tag Division. Even though it's a handicap match, I think the ending will be...

Winner: Alexander Rusev *Rusev wins the handicap match. The new blood of NXT coming up!

 Jack Swagger vs Rob Van Dam vs Cesaro - Wow. There was really no set up for this match. Kinda threw this one together WWE, didn't ya?  The clear favorite to win is easy...

Winner: Cesaro *Cesaro pins RVD after giving Mr. Monday Night his finisher onto a crumpled garbage can.

Intercontinental Champion Big E vs Bad News Barrett - Barrett climbed that mountain and now he's at the big dance. Big E has retained the title forever, but I think we're going to see a new champion after this match is finished.

Winner: and NEW Intercontinental Champion Bad News Barrett *Bad News Barrett wins with a flying Bullhammer Elbow. Nice brutal match.

The Shield vs Evolution - New School vs Old School. If it's anything like WM, we'll see the Shield run right over Evolution. Adapt or perish indeed. It's going to be brutal and I wouldn't be surprised if a stipulation is added that puts the advantage in Evolution's corner. Just sayin'! But my money is on...

Winner: The Shield *The Shield beats Evolution in a insane, Year of the Match match. Great show but on by all these guys. That. Was. Awesome.

Tamina Snuka vs Divas Champion Paige - This one is going to be a tough call. I would like to see Paige retain, but I would like to see Tamina win as well. Though, what I would really like is to see AJ Lee come back and have a triple threat. That would be dynamite! Though if I could flip a coin I think it'll land this way...

Winner: and STILL Champion Paige *Paige wins via submission. Great match by Snuka and Paige.

John Cena vs Bray Wyatt (Steel Cage Match) - This one's for all the marbles. The crowd has been really back and forth with Cena, where as Bray is hotter than the surface of the sun. I can't expect it to go any other way but this...

Winner: Bray Wyatt *Bray Wyatt wins over John Cena. Can we see a Cena Heel turn soon, or quite possibly could the Dr. of Thugonomics make a return. Something. Jeez. Good match, a little slow and old school, but it was alright.

WWE World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan vs Kane (Extreme Rules Match) - It's the feud that's been brewing since the Team Hell No "hugged it out". Remember that story kiddos? Well the Devil's Favorite Demon has a chance at the gold, so believe that he'll bring everything to the table for this match, but, so will Daniel Bryan. It's really a toss up on who's going win, oh wait, the WWE Universe is going to win, because this match is money. It's going to be brutal, but either way, it's going to play out like this...

Winner: and STILL WWE World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan. Yes! Yes! Yes! *Daniel Bryan retains to end the show.

So there you have it. let's find out tomorrow night when I post the results to see how well I predicted this bad boy. See you soon. Stay tuned... *Update. I called em' all right. I guess there really is a first time for everything. I'll leave this with that, and maybe, some shameless self-promotion. Check out my blog tomorrow for Retrospective: Daydreaming the Future, Rock Band 4, Part 3.

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