Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Life: What's Going On!

Another day in Paradise! Well, at least another day without rain or clouds, I guess since I'm in Arizona again, rain and clouds may be a thing of the past! So what have I been up to you ask? Well, I'll tell ya!

Symph and I are getting the house looking like a house again, cleaning, putting up poster and artwork, more cleaning, yard work, and then a little more cleaning, did I mention cleaning? Yep, I think I did.

I started volunteering at the Mammoth Public Library here again (if you are in Mammoth, come by and check it out!), and this Wednesday I plan to help paint the building where the Mammoth Historical Society is at. If you'd like to help paint, people are getting started at around 9AM. The building is located near the Mammoth Post Office,  but on the same side of the street as the Elks Lodge (I believe it's the Elks Lodge, okay, maybe it's some other type of lodge, Google Maps isn't being very helpful).

Okay, that is it for this quick post about what's what in the Weird World of Walter. Stay tuned, you know like a guitar or something... *Drops Keyboard*

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