Tuesday, December 10, 2013

WWE's TLC PPV 2013 Results

It's that time again! In less than five and a half days, the Toyota Center in Houston, Texas will host WWE's final PPV of the year, TLC! The card is starting to fill out, and I'll update when more matches are added.

Before I do my predictions, I want to state that I feel the unification match between Randy Orton and John Cena is being pushed to early. This match should happen at Wrestlmania 30 between Cena and Bryan, now that's money! Okay, on with the predictions:

Dolph Ziggler vs Fandango - Poor Ziggler. After April 8, it's been all downhill. From Champion to Curtian Jerker for a PPV. Shame, WWE, shame, give this guy a run against Ambrose for the US Title. Put him back in the Main Event spotlight. Right, the match, it's the pre-show, but I see Ziggler getting the win.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler *Fandango beats Ziggler. I missed the match, I couldn't find it anywhere. I love technology.
Divas Champion AJ Lee vs Natalya - Glad to see Nattie get a title shot, it's been since Survivor Series in 2010 since Natayla has seen the Divas belt around her waist. Though I have to give it to AJ, she's held the belt since July of this year. Pretty impressive! I just feel that the title is going to change hands.

Winner: Natalya *AJ Lee pulls out another win. Amazing! #IBelieveinAJLee
CM Punk vs The Shield (3-on-1 Handicap Match) - It's great to see Punk and The Shield in a PPV, but I hate this storyline. I hope it's done after this match. Seriously. As awesome as Punk is, I think the numbers game will catch up to him.

Winner: The Shield *CM Punk beats the Shield when Reigns accidentally spears Ambrose.
Daniel Bryan vs The Wyatt Family - Again, see my comments above. Love seeing Bryan and The Wyatt Family getting that PPV money. Once, again, the numbers game will play a factor. Though who knows, maybe Bryan can pull off the win. But I think...

Winner: The Wyatt Family *The Wyatt Family takes out Bryan, it took all three of them. Great match.
 Intercontinental Champion Big E Langston vs Damien Sandow - Big E just got the belt so I think he'll keep it for a bit.

Winner - Big E Langston *Big E retains.
World Heavyweight Champion John Cena vs WWE Champion Randy Orton (Tables, Ladders, and Chairs Match) - This match unifies the WHC and the WWE Championship belts. Will a new belt be made, will the World Heavyweight Championship be retired, or vice verse? Who knows, all I do know is WWE Creative rushed this match, it SHOULD happen at WRESTLEMANIA 30! Just saying. Right, who'll win it?

Winner: John Cena *Randy Orton beats John Cena with a little "viper" mentality. Brutal match. That. Was. Awesome!

Update: WWE Tag Team Champions Cody Rhodes & Goldust vs Rey Mysterio & Big Show vs Ryback & Curtis Axel vs The Real Americans (Fatal 4-Way Match) - Hey let's slap a match together a few days before a PPV with no real build up. Brilliant. Though when it comes to who's going to win it is anyone's guess. But I am going with...

Winner: Mysterio & Big Show *Goldust & Cody Rhodes retain. Surprising to say the least.

Update #2: Kofi Kingston vs The Miz - Match was actually made during the PPV. Sloppy WWE, sloppy. I mean I know you were building the fued, but seriously, you gonna play it that way. The only good thing about this match is that it's a NO DQ match. Should be violent, and for that reason, I think it'll end with Miz being victorious.

Winner: The Miz *Kofi pulls on out as Miz screws Miz with an exposed top turnbuckle to the face followed up by Kofi's Trouble in Paradise.

Update #3: Brodus Clay vs R-Truth - Another slap dash match put together on the PPV. I get it, the Brodus Clay heel turn is coming, and it's probably coming tonight against R-Truth, I mean, why else would Kane play with Brodus's brawling buddy right before the match. It's was the Big Red Monster handing off the torch, to the next Monster. I think. Maybe I am reading too much into this match. And the final verdict is:

Winner: Brodus Clay *R-Truth rolls up Clay for the win. Expect Brodus to Monster up tomorrow on Monday Night Raw.

Great PPV, and with six whole weeks until the Royal Rumble, I predict these next few week will be amazing as it's now the Road to Wrestlemania!

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