Saturday, December 14, 2013

How I Am Learning to Let Go or Buy My Stuff!

I've been reading comic books since I was six years old (or so), my first real comic that I loved was the 2nd series of Swamp Thing, I found this comic around the time of the start of the Alan Moore run (wish I still had those, at least to re-read one more time!), then fast forward six or seven years later where I find this in the comic store in Turlock, Califronia that I frequented probably more than I should:

 Now as a eleven or twelve year old boy, you can totally see why this comic caught my eye. I was a horny bastard, and well, I have a thing for redheads! Though to be honest, after all these years, I still think this is one of the best crossover stories in the Marvel canon. Well next to Age of Apocalypse that is. But, still, the Inferno crossover is numero uno in my book.

This comic is what really started my comic book obsession, I would say collection, but I've been collecting comics for darn near about thirty years. Let that sink in a second. Thirty years. Now, granted I have friends who have way bigger collections than I do. But after buying that comic, I started to pick up the Uncanny X-Men each month, while finding and purchasing back issues, I did most of my back issue purchases in my twenties. I now have Uncanny X-Men issues 194-544, single issues, full run, and what that means is about three to four short comic boxes of X-Men, I have a plethoria of other comics, like massive runs of The New Avengers, Arak, Son of Thunder, the full runs of Mutant X and Kiss: Psycho Circus, as well as a crap load of others, including, TrollLords, Who's Who of the DC Universe, and a few other comics no one has heard of.

This all being said, I have decided that I want to sell 98% of my comics. I don't read them anymore and I am really damn tired of hauling them around from place to place. But, Walter, you said 98%, what 2% are you not selling? That is easy my friends, my 2nd series of Swamp Thing. Can't let em' go just yet, but everything else I can and totally be cool with it. Any takers? I have a lot of comics, and ideally, if someone in the Seattle area wanted them, they could pick them up from me personally, and I wouldn't have to pay a "buttload" in shipping cost.

Now that I have that out of the way. I am also selling my video game collection, my two Xbox 360's, a Nintendo Wii, and Playstation 2. I have a ton of RB (Rock Band) stuff too, including RB2, RB3, AC/DC Track Pack, The Beatles: Rock Band, as well as 2 Guitar Hero 2 Explorer Guitars, a PRO Mustang Guitar, a RB1 Drum Kit (with silencers, a working kick pedal, and 2 sticks!), and the awesome part, I have just over 1100 DLC on flash drives, my DLC list can be viewed here:, I have probably about 20 or so Xbox 360 games, if people want that list just DM me on FB, and I'll shoot a list to ya! All the RB gear is for the XBOX 360. *Update - I forgot, I also have a Kinect (the older model).

I've gotten to the point in my life where I want more experiences instead of things. I could also use some cash too. ;) If anyone is interesting in purchasing my comics AND gaming gear, I'll hook you up with a good deal, if you lived in the Seattle or surrounding area, that would be best for me, and you won't get murdered on the shipping cost, which with all the weight would be insane! I also thought I would throw this out first to people before I take all my gear down to GameStop and get poked in the butt with trade in prices.

Closing two chapters of my life, that has made me who I am today. As the chapters close, new ones open, and I am pretty excited about the future.

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