Sunday, November 24, 2013

WWE's Survivor Series 2013 Results

Kofi Kingston vs The Miz (Survivor Series Kick-Off Match) - Two underused wrestlers kicking off the PPV. I am glad that they are seeing some PPV love but they could have easily been in the Survivor Series type match on different teams.

Winner - The Miz *The Miz wins with a roll up.

Natalya, The Bellas, The Funkadactyls, Jo Jo, and Eva Maria vs Divas Champion AJ Lee, Tamina Snuka, Kaitlyn, Rosa Mendes, Summer Rae, Aksana, Alicia Fox - Damn near every Diva on the roster getting a chance to shine. I think this match will actually be quite a spot fest. Will like to see what Alicia Fox, Summer Rae, Rosa Mendes, and Aksana can do since they don't get this kind of high profile match.

Winners: AJ Lee, Tamina Snuka, Kaitlyn, Rosa Mendes, Summer Rae, Aksana, and Alicia Fox *Natalya makes AJ Lee submit to the Sharpshooter. Hopefully this will lead to a Divas title match between AJ Lee and Natalya.

CM Punk & Daniel Bryan vs Eric Rowan & Luke Harper - The Punk/Bryan d-push is heartbreaking. Both Punk and Bryan should be main eventing this PPV. Hope they find something quick for these two. It'll be interesting to see the medium sized guys against the two monsters of the Wyatt Family. Will the mysterious new Wyatt Family member debut tonight to secure the win for Bray and crew? Or will Byran and Punk take one clean over Rowan and Harper?

Winners: Eric Rowan & Luke Harper *Punk and Bryan pull out a win tonight! Nice.

WWE Tag Team Champions Cody Rhodes & Goldust, The Usos, Rey Mysterio vs The Shield & The Real Americans (Traditional 5 on 5 Elimination Match) - Another awesome spot fest. Though Mysterio isn't going to be used to much from what the dirt sheet say, for whatever that is worth. Glad The Shield is still relevant in the same PPV they debut at last year.

Winners - The Shield & The Real Americans *The Shield's Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns

Intercontinental Champion Big E Langston vs Curtis Axel - Another thrown together match at the last minute.

Winner: Big E Langston *Big E Langston retains. Quick match.

World Heavyweight Champion John Cena vs Alberto Del Rio - Since Cena's early return he's been pretty solid. Del Rio has also been really solid as of late. I have no idea who is going to win this, but I just feel in my feels that there will be a distraction of some sort of DQ finish.

Winner - John Cena *Cena retains against Alberto Del Rio.

WWE Champion Randy Orton vs Big Show - The Authority's poster boy goes one on one with The Big Show. No help. No interference. It's either going to end quick with a Big Show win, or it'll be a screwjob against Orton with the Authority putting the belt on Show.

Winner: Big Show *Randy Orton wins with "no help whatsoever" from the Authority.

So there you have it folks! Survivor Series in a nutshell.  Not to bad tonight, WWE, not to bad.

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