Monday, September 16, 2013

Runnning With Ginger! Or How I'm Learning to Love My Body and Not the War!

So I'm working out sporadically.  Sometimes I am really good and I work out every other day with various different exercises, cardio, weight lifting, running, hell I have even tried different dance classes on Your Shape: Fitness Evolved 2012.  I am burning about two hundred to two hundred fifty calories per one hour session.  I don't know if that is good, but the fact that I am exercising and getting my heart rate up can't be a bad thing.  I don't know why I never stayed with weight training and exercise after that third year in high school.  I am only of those special breeds that actually feels better after I work out.  It makes me feel good even though I don't really see the progress since I look at myself every day (I'm so vain, I bet you think this song is about me!) in the mirror. 

I weighed myself yesterday and I've have actually gained a pound, (167.4, I'm anyone is counting out there) which I am assuming it's muscle, at least that is what I like to think.  I am curious to what the tips and tricks people have to stay motivated?  I would love to work out every day for hours, but I am pretty sure that isn't a good way to go about it, from what I understand you need to take a day rest in between sessions of exercise.  I have also found out that if I really push it I am down for long than a day and I am sure I've blown my momentum with the progress on my body.

I hope your enjoying this series, and honestly, within a year of starting this series, I would like to be down to 150 worth of weight and a bit of extra muscles (which will probably add some pounds to the scale), so if I am at the weight I am close to now, but with less body fat and more definition, I think I'd be pretty happy.  Not that I am unhappy with myself, I just want to get healthier and look like a porn star or immortal, I mean that isn't too much.  Now if I can just give up ice cream and cheese (though not together, that is just gross) I might just make it.  #NeverStop

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