Monday, July 1, 2013

How High is the Ceiling? Shocking and Disturbing Cinema (NSFW)

Warning: NSFW! 

Well it's been awhile since I've posted one of these, but I had the (dis)pleasure of watching The ABC's of Death off of Netflix last night.  Holy crap!  It was insane.  26 directors take on one letter of the alphabet and make a horror short out of it.  Some were weird, some were funny, and some were down right horrific.  I don't do spoilers but here are some things that went down for those two and a half hours: murder, torture, weird sexual deviations, man and dogs fighting each other, cats and dogs fighting each other, girls breathing in farts, guys jerking off to disturbing images, people drowning, oh did I mention miscarriages, hilarious parrots, and chicks with giant penises!  Yeah all that and more!  Now you know you want to see it, go to Netflix and warping your fragile little mind!  You've been warned!

That's a lot of blood!

Someone call the plumber!

Hello Kitty!

Forget the South Beach diet!  Ouch!

That is just a few tastes of what this film has to offer.  See it if you dare! 

Stay tuned...

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