Sunday, April 21, 2013

Life: What's Happening

So I have arrived back in the Pacific NorthWest again.  I have been back for two and a half weeks.  I tell you I have missed the weather up here, it's so nice.  It's not Eighty degrees by 9AM, I don't have to look out for scorpions or rattlesnakes lurking in my shoes, and I can run without a boatload of dogs to be on the lookout for to eat me like a chew toy on a hot desert day. 

I've been trying to run quite a bit more as I am looking to train for a 5k here in a few months, my goal with a year or less is to run a half marathon without really having to stop my stride like I do now.

Here's something weird.  I thought I would play on my Xbox within days of getting back here, but for some strange reason, I haven't.  Has being in Arizona somehow killed my urge to play?  I played Mortal Combat on my Brother's Wife's Son's console (insert old ass Space Balls quote here) a few times, put that was it.  I finally got a Fatality one time I played, maybe that is the pennicle in my mind, now if I could just get a perfect game of Street Fighter 2, maybe I could hang up my controller for good, like some grizzled veteran from the 2600 and cabinet days of yore. It's a odd feeling to be sure, and one I know I wasn't expecting with such a brief period away from games and gaming.  Has this happened to anyone else?  It's just me isn't it? Apparently, that is how I am rolling in my "old age".  Mid-thirties, having the time of your life, your table is now ready!  Now I want to exercise my body and my mind, figures, don't it?

I've been thinking of taking up writing again, it's been so long, like, literally years since I've put words on the page, at least in a creative sense (I mean it's not like I have an army of robots writing this blog!) since I stopped writing screenplays.  I really want to try and take a stab at a short story or two, just to see if I have enough rolling around in the brain, the eternal claptrap, to piece something coherent and followable (and let's not forget, enjoyable).  Well see one day, won't we? 

Let's see, writing, not playing video games, running, what else?  Well hell, that seems to be about it.  My life is a cornucopia of excitement and adventure, isn't it. (Insert, emoticon-smile face here!)

Hope you've enjoyed this little update!  Tune in later when I (to spoil or not to spoil!) talk about Justice League Dark # 3 and maybe some other comics/nerdy things.

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