Sunday, April 21, 2013

Justice League Dark # 3

In the Dark, Part 3, DC New 52, $2.99

Writer: Peter Milligan
Artist: Mikel Janin

Our JLD team is still trying to work the kinks out and fight the Enchantress too.  Will their superhero egos clash?  Can they all just get along?

I understand that at the beginning of a series there has to be a group dynamic set up.  I feel that Milligan is doing that quite nicely.  If I remember correctly I bought a few of the first issues, so I was able to demolish like six issues all at once, man, I really have to stop doing this because it's murder on the pocketbook.

The artwork is highly engrossing, and I love seeing Madame Xanadu, Zatanna, and John Constantine being drawn in this current DC Universe.  Good stuff to be sure.

Final Grade B+

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