Saturday, April 20, 2013

Fundraising: For running in a 5k race.

I would like to ask my friends, family, and loyal blog readers to throw down some hard-earned cash to buy me/register me for the "Run for your lives" zombie obstacle course/5k race.  It's 87.00 right now for the run, as I am sure it'll get more expensive as the date fast approaches August 24, 2013 in Seattle, WA.  If you would like to full out buy it all at once that would be cool, but if people need to throw five or ten bucks here and there at it, I start a fundraiser for that.

Zombie 5k "Run For Your Lives" registration

Would love to do this and I will try and post photos while running from brain-hungry zombies.  I mean that is a win-win right there.

So my question is: Who's down to watch this Ginger run from the hordes of the undead?  You know you wanna!

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