Monday, March 25, 2013

Self-Imposed Exile or the Failed Arizona Experiment... and What is Happening Now...

I was going to write this when I got back to Washington State, but what the hell, I will write it now.  I thought it was a good idea to move to Arizona and try and get work, I've been here for over two months and I can't find a job to save my life and with no car it had to get out of Mammoth, so I'm tapping out, calling it quits, and moving back to Washington State to be back with my wife and to look for work.  It was a good idea at the time, but the timing was just off.  It'll be nice to see my wife, two kitties, and our friends and family back in the PNW.  Just today I got a call from Nintendo about a testing job in Washington, so I am going to give them a call tomorrow and see where that goes.  I have also applied at Bungie for a tester position and I hope to hear from them as well.  Bungie would be a dream come true and honestly Nintendo is nothing to sneeze at.  Keep your fingers crossed folks! 

I have also been in talks with a friend to do some screenwriting work with him about some shorts zombie flicks which will be a awesome thing to do.  I have also realized that I would like to do some writing myself, either some screenplays or some video game scripting.  I would love to work on Bungie's upcoming game Destiny in some capacity, either with their cannon or some of the upcoming DLC that is sure to hit the marketplace on the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 and Playstation 4. 

I also have a chance to move with my friend Joe doing something (not sure what exactly) at his record label, Knick Knack Records, but I'll do my best, word.  So that is what has been happening these last few weeks of my life. 

I only have a few requests when I get back to Washington State: Uninterrupted evening with my wife, a soy zebra mocha, and a trip to a Half-Priced Books.

Now don't get me wrong about Arizona... I got to see a few friends and family, enjoy the desert rain and sunshine, make some new friends at the Mammoth Public Library (Diana and Phillip!) among other things.  Maybe next time, Zona, maybe next time...

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