Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Life: Moving

So I'm (as in the royal "I'm") moving out of Washington State.  I can't reveal exactly where I'm moving due to some sour grapes out there but I am sure some people will be pleasently surprised, some whom I haven't seen for a very long time.

The old house up here is cleaned out, the keys delievered to the landlords, and all but one of the bills cancelled.  It has been a busy couple of weeks, and a super busy few last days.  Tomorrow before most of you are up (you lazy bastards!) I'll be traveling down Highway 1 to avoid the passes between Oregon and Washington and keep on keeping on til' we hit Las Vegas, which isn't my final destination...

I want to say a big thank you to everyone that have been friends with us and have been super cool while up here in the PNW.  This place rocks and I hope that I can come back someday and place roots back down.  Pho and Bubble tea are the shit, I'll miss Emerald City Comic Con, the Science Fiction museum, all the bad ass restaurants and hang outs, and all the homies I've come to think of as family.  I'll miss ya, you crazy bastards!

See you on the flipside!

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