Thursday, November 15, 2012

How High is the Ceiling? Shocking and Disturbing Cinema

Well this isn't as bad as A Serbian Film (2010) but it's pretty disturbing and shocking none the less.  This was a filmed in 1975 by Pier Paolo Pasolini and it's called Salo or 120 Days in Sodom.  If you would like a play by play here's the Wikipedia page about the film: Wikipedia page for Salo or 120 Days in Sodom

If you are easily offended, please do not watch this film.  It's basically about a group of youths who are detained by the captors and subjected to acts of degradation and humiliation.  It's somewhat tame by today's standard of gore and violence, but there were still scenes that were truly appalling to view.  Crap-eating anyone?  Yes, that is in there as well as all sorts of stories of the utmost vilest nature.

You probably don't want to see this film, though if you want you can rent it on Netflix, but like I said you probably shouldn't.

Tune in later when I post something a bit less horrific, namely, Wild Rock Band Speculation!

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