Wednesday, November 14, 2012

How High is the Ceiling? Shocking and Disturbing Cinema

Holy crap!  I think I have found the very top of the ceiling with this next film.  Netflix won't carry the film and it's been banned in many countries, and this film is only two years old.  Now I've never really skipped scenes in films, and I've watched Cannibal Holocaust, Anti-Christ, and The Burning Moon (Three more HHitC!) and never skipped scenes, but boy howdy did I skip one in this film.  What film am I talking about?  I'll tell you, but I will warn you that this film is not for the easily squimish, faint of heart, parents, or sensitive individuals.  Without further ado:

A Serbian Film (2010)
This film has it all folks.  I had to find this on YouTube in seven different parts.  Hardcore gore, pretty intense scenes of simulated sex, hints at incest and bestiality among other things to f'ing horrible to mention here on my blog.  Go check out this for a more (and disturbing) detailed description on everything that is wrong with the world: The Wikipedia page for A Siberian Film

I can't take back the images I've seen in this film, and I wish I could.  This film makes Anti-Christ look like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  I don't know how this film got funded and what exactly the message here is anyways, but Sweet Jesus, don't go looking for this film, you'll probably hate it and want to destroy yourself after viewing it.  A reviewer summed it up as, and I'm paraphrasing here, "This film raped my soul."  Yeah, that is about right.  If I could bleach my eyeballs I totally would.

If you still need to see this film after all the talk I've done on this, then maybe you should take a hard look at yourself.  I try to pride myself on seeing the most shocking and disturbing cinema out there, but on this occasion I really, really wish I hadn't.

Come back tomorrow when I post another How High is the Ceiling?  with the film Salo or 120 Days in Sodom.  Also, tomorrow's post of Wild Rock Band Speculation will happen so stay tuned for that.

Remember, don't watch this!

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