Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Video Game/DVD Tuesdays

Welcome back folks!  Had a nice time last night chilling with friends and having fun and laughing and all that good stuff.  I really needed that.  Let's get right to the heart of this thing, shall we?

I mean how cool is this.  It's pretty cool, but I can't justify spend 100.00 on that for only eight films.  If you can find the Legacy Monsters DVD's cheap then that is the way to go, many more films at about the same price.  I own The Wolf Man, Creature From the Black Lagoon, and The Mummy.  Frankenstein, Dracula, and The Invisible Man are a bit harder to find, but that will be the most bang for your buck.

Well there are a zillion DVD's and Blu-Ray coming out, but nothing else that tickles my ivories.  Let's see what is brewing on the Video Game front.

Got to play the demo of Forza Horizon, and it was a blast, would love to pick this up, but I'm broke as hell and I have so many games I haven't really touched in a long time, like Burnout Paradise and Forza Motorsport 2.  But this game looks hella fun.  Ding!  Fries are done.

Lucius (played by you) is the son of the Devil.  I mean, come on.  It like playing a game version of the Omen, which in my opinion is long, long overdue.  I watched the extended IGN video on this and it looks fun if a bit outdated looking.  Would love to wrap my grubby little hands on it.

Well it looks like a pretty light gaming and DVD/BR week here at Casa de Jones.

Keep those Betas on and keep dropping quarters (like it's hot!).  See yous on the flipside.

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