Thursday, October 18, 2012

Video Game/DVD Tuesdays (Er, Thursday...)

So it's been a few weeks, I am sure you had better things to do then read this blog.  Now that Fall is here it's back to Cyberspace.  So dark and cold up here in the Pacific North West.

Let's get right to the heart of this shall we?  Right-o man, Righty-o.

Doom 3 BFG Edition is hitting selves this week for the PC, Xbox 360, and PS3.  I played a little of the early Doom game, not my cup of tea, but Doom 3 was pretty cool on the original Xbox.  If you love Doom then buy this, if not, well, don't.

Dance Central 3 (Xbox 360) from the makers of Rock Band, Harmonix dances into our hearts with the third game for the Dance Central crowd.  Now I've never played the DC games, but I'm a Ginger and that equates to "no dancing rhythm".  End of story.  I know a ton of peeps like this so you probably have some sore bones and blistery feet from this already.  Good job.  Buy more DLC!!!

Well there it is folks, there are a few other games coming out but nothing else that grabs me by the billy goat scruff. 

Have you been blasting and dancing all over your console this week?  Let me hear ya!  Alright, let's more on to what is happening on the DVD front.

Not a ton coming out this week that screams out to me for purchase or even viewing.  Glad to always see Looney Tunes on DVD/BR, and Terror in the Aisles I've been wanting to own forever and never have so that is pretty cool.  I know the "wrasslin'" DVD would be out but hey, it was a pretty solid PPV.

Hope you like my slap-dash job of this series.  See you in a bit, Dear Readers!

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