Friday, October 26, 2012

This Week in Rock Band

Well it was a three pack, but it wasn't Twisted Sister, so without further ado:

Sublime Pack 01

"What I Got" (O)
"Wrong Way" (O)
"Santeria" (X, O)

(X denotes PRO Guitar/Bass Upgrade, O denotes Keyboards)

I am not that familiar with Sublime so I'll have to give them a listen and see if there is anything awesome that I can't live without.

Due to issue on the RBN there were only two songs released this week, which follows:

RBN releases for Xbox 360 on 10/25/12


John Parr - "Monday Night Football"
Sincroica - "EsCupido"

Not familiar with these tracks, so I'll have to give them a listen.  Are you excited for the tracks this week?  Sound off below!

1 comment:

  1. Generic sounding junk. Just more C-list 90s dreck, the kind of total mediocrity that Harmonix has a love affair with.

    Amazes me how people are so excited about this mush.
