Thursday, September 6, 2012

Wild Rock Band Speculation!

It's Thursday all day, so it's time for Wild Rock Band Speculation, where I, Dear Readers, try and predict what is going to be announced for RB DLC every Friday.  You may have noticed I didn't put up Video Game/DVD Tuesday, but don't fret, it'll be up later today for all of you who've been missing it.

So you may ask how I make these predictions?  Well I will tell you.  I look at what was released three to four years ago as DLC, what bands people are talking about on the prediction thread on the Rock Band page, located here: This week's prediction thread as well as my own guesses and yes, a bit of a wishlist.  If I had time I would scour the Twitter-verse for clues (if any, and now rarely happen) about the upcoming DLC but really you know, that is very time-consuming.

So back in 08' there was a free track released.

Stephen and the Colberts - "Charlene (I'm Right Behind You)"

Great little ditty, short and sweet, and I believe I got a full gold band instrument related achievements for RB2 with this song and just recently it's was the first song I played in RBB to check out the game.  Good stuff although the track is actually really disturbing.  Right.  Totally spaced talking about this song.  Do I think Harmonix is going to put out a free track?  No.  No I don't.  But... if they did, they should do this one:

Jimi Hendrix - "The Star Spangled Banner (Live at Woodstock 69')

Now I know a lot of people would be pissed, at least the people I've talked to in my life.  They thought it was a massacre of a song that is special to many people here in the States.  I think it's great and is a pinnacle song of the love-fest Hippie generation, well that is until Charlie and his followers rolled out in Hollywood looking to start their acid induced version of the End of the World.  There I go again babbling on and on.  But seriously, a free song would be awesome!

So in 09' there were ten songs released on Sept. 8th.  I know for a fact it's not going to be that big, well I don't know for sure, but the trend has been three or four songs a week and it's been that way since Maiden, which had a six song pack (minus RB: Blitz).  There was a Freezepop three pack, a PAX three pack, and four singles.  Well I don't think we've had a PAX pack for a few years now so I don't see that happenning, we haven't seen Freezepop for quite a while, as a matter of fact they released a song on the RBN in 8/18/11.  It was the track, "Doppelganger", so I don't see it being Freezepop in the main library anytime soon.

Now, three or four singles is probably the likeliest scenario.  What they will be is anyone's guess and the million dollar question.  There hasn't been a ton of responses on the RB forum pages, but so far peeps are thinking it's going to be a plethora of singles from Rock Band Blitz artists, since last week was a four pack from Linkin Park, but I think it's going to be another single band with a three pack.  I'd like to think this is the week will see a new artist to the RB library and I think it's going to be either heavy metal, punk rock, or a female fronted band with heavy keys.

Twisted Sister Pack 01
"Stay Hungry"
"We're Not Gonna Take It"
"The Price"


Sex Pistols Pack 01
"Anarchy in the U.K."
"Pretty Vacant"
"My Way"*

(*Edit: Changed the song, Anonymous! After looking at this set list, it does make more sense, and it is a great song!)


Tori Amos Pack 01
"1000 Oceans"
"Not Dying Today"

As you can see the last sets of songs are more of a wishlist than a acutal guess, yep, my blog, my rules!  The Tori Amos pack is there because I think it would be a great addition to RB as well as The Sex Pistols and Twisted Sister.

Tune in tomorrow to see if I hit the mark or fell off the boat on this one!  Come back later today to check out my belated Tuesday blog post.  See you soon!

1 comment:

  1. Sex Pistols Pack 01
    "Anarchy in the U.K." <-- YES!
    "Pretty Vacant" <-- YES!
    "Who Killed Bambi" <-- what the??? Fail.

    I'll take it anyway. Replace the last cut with Sid's "My Way" and we're styling.
