Sunday, September 16, 2012

Life: Writing

Well I've found it!  A USB to 1.44 MB Floppy Drive.  Huzzah, and under $25.00!  You shall be mine soon.  Screenwriting again will be a absolute joy.  A few scripts have been rolling around in my marble for the past 15 years or so in various states of disarray and completion, some are even printed out even.  A few short scripts and one or two full lengths scripts have been tugging at my brain waves and requiring completion for the past few months.  Something is telling me to write again and who am I to kick my Muse in the junk?  Who indeed. 

"What lurks deep in the minds of Man?  What ghastly phantasms of madness and murder stain the mortal soul?  That which I dare no speak... The animal lust, the blood rage swells and breaks in my mind's eye, vision upon horrific vision, each more worse than the last, pushes me violently over the edge and I'm lost in the dark and the cold of the Abyss.  A bleeding, broken soul, doomed to walk not in the spaces but between them, lost forever past the veil that separates..."

So this is a beginning of the treatment I'm working on for a script that's been in my brain since the late 90's.  It's a love story believe it or not, that has far reaching stories across Earth, Heaven, and Hell.  A bit out there I'm sure, but I've always done that with my scripts.  Hey, if my film teacher said I wrote well then who I'm I to disagree?

Wondering if anyone else who reads my blog has ever written anything?  Be it a story, a poem, a entry in a journal of medicine, a role playing game... I'm all ears!

1 comment:

  1. I write quite a bit. Usually, upon reviewing my work I'm absolutely disgusted with it and delete it. I've been trying to break that habit and be more forgiving of my efforts. It's mostly short stories and scripts, with a heavy zombie bent.
