The conference starts off with a almost five minute video montage of Playstation games and products, which in my opinion is a bit underwhelming, but that feeling is quickly replaced with joy at the first game shown. It's called Beyond: Two Souls and it's brought to you by the fine folks from Quantic Dream, that little company that brought you Indigo Prophecy and Heavy Rain bring you this bad boy. The gameplay looks almost real to me, but I'm super stoked to see who plays the lead role, one Ellen Page, yep, that's right. Awesome.
I hate to say it, but I really have to play this game, anyone want to let me borrow their PS3 when this comes out. I'll make cake. Pretty please, with a cherry on top?
Up next is a look at Playstation Stars Battle Royale. A live match is played on the show floor and it looks pretty good but I'm not one for beat em' ups anymore. I think like DOA 4 or one of the Tekken games was the last beat em' up I played and that was years ago. A cool thing this game is doing is that it's PS3/PS Vita Cross-Play compatible.
Jack Tretton then throws some numbers at us and then talks about Playstation Plus, and then to the loudest applause of the night he says he's handing out free 1 year vouchers to all in attendance this year. Brilliant marketing. Just brilliant. Te-he.
Jack goes on to talk about Playstation Network and the many Apps that are coming to it and the PS Vita.
When then get to see the PS Vita version of Assassin's Creed III: Liberation which looks great but I don't really do handheld gaming devices anymore, but more Assassin's Creed is always welcome, the first game was great! Though I must admit that I haven't played any of the game past the first one. This one intrigues me in that fact that it looks like the game designers took a brave direction and having the main character interacting with AI from the American Revolution. That is cool. A really cool demo was played that you can see here:
Up next is Dan Hay with Far Cry 3. I've nevered played Far Cry so I have no opinion... until seeing that live gameplay. Man, that game looks awesome as 4 player co-op. Sweet.
Jack comes back on stage to talk about how well the Playstation Move has done and that it has over 200 games for it. That is pretty cool, though with the Wii and the Kinect that I have, I don't think I'll purchase the Move for Sony. Tretton welcomes Andrew House to the stage.
He talks about Wonderbook, a new vitrual smart pad that interacts with the gaming world. Then this happens...
Look I like the films, and I'm reading the books, but this for me is just meh, no please don't inflame-o wordocious me with your rosewood wand. It might be cool for the hardcore Potter fan but I don't know how well this is going to sell in the long run. Kudos for Rowling to taking this franchise to the next level.
Next up is talk about the Playstation Suite, now called Playstation Mobile that works with HTC phones (at the start) and how it will revolutionize games and game play.
A bad ass game play trailer for God of War: Ascension was shown next. Wow! That's a lot of blood. I have the urge to play this after seeing how insane this game is.
Next up is a trailer for a game called The Last of Us, and Holy Miss Mollie it's brutal and pretty, kind of like Elfen Lied.
Jack Tretton takes the stage again and wraps this pretty awesome conference up. I would give the Playstation 3 a A+ this year. Bravo PS3 and Sony, Bravo!
Check back soon for my thoughts on the Nintendo E3 Press Conference in a day or two. Normal blog still coming up today as well.
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