Monday, May 21, 2012

Movie Ticket Monday: Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

I was so excited to see this film.  It didn't disappoint.  Thank you Peter Jackson.  Thank you Cast and Crew.  Thank you WETA.  Epic, beautiful, awesome fight scenes.  This film had it all.  Saw it Dec. 19th at the Modesto 18, in, you guessed it Modesto (two flushes, Jenn).  I am pretty sure I saw this film with Elizabeth and a ton of other people.  I also think I saw this film twice in the theater, which I haven't done too many times in my life, and as a matter of fact it was the first film I saw twice in the theater ever.  Go me.  If you haven't seen this.  I mean come on.  You have.  It was great, wasn't it?  Yes.  Yes it was.  Here's the trailer for nostalgic purposes:

This film has also had so many memorable quotes.  With the most famous one for the degenerate group of friends that I hung with (and we were all in film at the time at the JC so you know, we were crazy about it):

Did you love Lord of the Rings: FotR?  Did you prefer the classic animated Ralph Bakshi's Lord of the Rings better?  What you haven't seen it!  Here's almost 10 minute preview:

You can see the other parts of the animated classic on YouTube if you wish.  Unlike the X-Men films I didn't run out and buy all the action figures.  I did get the LotR: FotR Director's cut 4 disc special edition (w/o the statue) and it was awesome!  I probably watch this one more than the other two so it's all good. 

Hope you enjoyed this edition of Movie Ticket Monday.  Sour Out!

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