Wednesday, December 28, 2011

California, Check My Brain!

Thinking of the past and friends from the Sunshine State. (California for the id10ts out there).  Thinking of the waves on the beach as I walk on my broken toe.  Thinking of the sweet sweet Mary Jane that encased my brain day after day.  Thinking of the smog of LA.  Thinking of the smell of cow shit in the Central Valley.  Thinking of screams of my crackhead neighbors for the last few years of living there.  Thinking of all the scum, the screwballs, the freaks, the geeks, the nerds, the hippies, the straight edge.  So many memories flooding through the time fog.  Man, California was so fucking crazy.  Damn, I loved it.  Surprised that I didn't end up dead there my first few years there.

There is no drink strong enough now to get those glorious bright memories out of my brain.  Each one burned into my Mind's Eye with crystal clarity.  Each one beckoning me to relive ten years of my life in a few heartbeats.  Each one, now slipping away with each lapping wave of the coast.  Jellyfish streaking across my eyes tempting me with recollections or a past that I can't shake.  A past that shaped me and has made me the person I am today.

California!  The siren's call!  I Heart You.

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