Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Game Review: The Walking Dead (Xbox 360)

Wow.  Just freakin' wow is what I have to say.  I picked up the first episode (of the game) after watching the first season on Netflix streaming.  I really enjoyed it in that fact that it's not like Dead Rising or Left 4 Dead (i.e., a run n' gun type of game).  Choices you make change up the game in interesting ways and that makes it have some awesome replay value. 

I just finished the last episode (#5, for the kids keeping track at home) and it damn near brought me to tears.  It was so heart-wrenching brutal, you know, but in a good way.  The only problem with the last episode was how short it was compared with the other four episodes, I think I had it finished in less than an hour, but don't quote me on that, or judge me monkey, for that matter!

If you have a Xbox 360 and a few gigs of free space, take you hard earned MS points and buy this game right f'ing now!  I'll wait for you to play it and come back...

See, it was awesome right!  Right!  Now stop reading my blog and buy and play the other four episodes!  Also if you want to wait for the retail game version to save on that sweet precious HDD space I believe the game releases on December 4th, 2012 for Xbox 360 and Playstation 3.  Here's the art for the collector's edition (only available as a Gamestop Preorder, which now seeing this I totally want!)

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