What are they? Well a taboo is defined as: a custom prohibiting or restricting a particular practice or forbidding association with a particular person, place, or thing. Wow, doesn't that just run the gamut. There are tons of sexual "taboos" out in the world: BSDM, S&M, Golden Showers, Anal play, these are probably some of the most "vanilla" ones you have out there Then there is scat play, torture, and genital scarification. It still gets weirder than that, and I Dear Readers, don't judge on anyone's sexual proclivity, except sex involving children and animals, that SHOULD NEVER happen. Period.
I wonder where most sexual taboos spring forth from? General curiosity, maybe? Deep seated fears? I don't know and nor do I attempt to understand it. Your sexual lives are your own and in much the same way that is how I feel about religion and politics.
Well there you have it. Agree? Hate it? Think I'm crazy? Comment below.
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