Sunday, October 30, 2011

Life: Short Blurb #10

So tired.  Got to sleep around 3AM and was back up at 7:30AM.  Yum, four hours of sleep, delicious.  I think today will be a little R & R after the festivities from last night.  Bit of a hangover but damn that drink was strong!  I am such a lightweight (chuckles).

I am almost finished with my Norwegian Death Metal book, Lords of Chaos, and then it's off to a comprehensive book on Noam Chomsky and still there's a stack of Asimov as well.  Crap, I need to read more.  It's like the dying art of letter writing, I mean, besides us "old" people, who reads books anymore?  I fear in twenty years physical books will be a thing of the past.  We live in some strange times, indeed.

Do you read books?  Are you a electronic junkie and have forsaken physical copies in favor of tablet devices?  I would love to hear everyone's thoughts on this. 

1 comment:

  1. I still read real books! I haven't turned to the tablet or Kindle for a few reasons. 1) It's not a book. There is something satisfying about turning pages and seeing how you are making progress. 2) I don't want to spend the money to buy the books. Right now if I want to read a book I go to the library and check it out. With the internet it makes it so easy to request the book you want and then you just walk in, look at the hold shelf under the letter of your last name and there it is waiting for you. What could be easier? or cheaper? 3) I love the smell of a real book. You just can't get that with a Kindle or anything electronic.
