Tuesday, April 3, 2018

This Week in Rock (Games)

Here we are again folks! Another week in rock (games)! Here's what came out for Rock Band 4 and Rocksmith Remastered.

Rock Band 4

"Run-Around" - Blues Traveler
"Steal My Sunshine" - LEN

Songs are $1.99 a piece.

That would be a skip week for me on Rock Band 4 and whatever happened to three songs a week? Crazy.

Rocksmith Remastered

DETHKLOK II Song Pack ($7.99/Pack)

"Black Fire Upon Us"

Woohoo! Some DETHKLOK coming at us. Brenden Small is the Man! Loved Home Movies and I loved DETHKLOK! Good stuff. Can't wait for this pack!

What are you grabbing this week? Sound off!

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