Sunday, October 11, 2015

Some Rock Band 4 Updates

So it looks like the patch that is coming out in Dec 2015 is not going to have online multiplayer. Now mind you I don't have an Xbox One and I haven't played Rock Band 4, but I've been reading a decent amount of people are being frustrated that there is no online play. I get that. For about a year, all I did was online play and got to meet (at least electronically) some good peeps, you see I had burned out the regular local group of players of wanting to play every day all day. Seriously, it was bad. Don't get me wrong I still play Rock Band 3 quite a bit, but not nearly as much as I used to. I still like to see what DLC (previous stuff that came out from C3 and RBHP, which I believe, stands for Rock Band Harmonies Project) and now the new stuff that will be coming straight outta Harmonix this coming Tuesday. Harmonix has said that they will reveal tracks now on MONDAY instead of FRIDAY, and they are calling it Music Monday. Music Monday is also a title of some my old blog post. Coincidence. Yes, probably. But if not, I'm flattered, and hey let's be honest, that'll get you EVERYWHERE. Ba-dump-bump. I'm here all week, try the meatloaf.

There are other issues with some DLC but I'm not talking about that here. Or anywhere. They will get to it when they get to it.

Harmonix has also released a few surveys online, so if you are into giving your opinions on matter of Rock Band 4 it is out there. Won't be posting a link, search Google, do some work. I ain't going to type it out for ya all the time. No, I probably will...

Okay, off to write on some screenplay. Give me the strength for twenty solid pages today. Now, nose to the grindstone.

Edit: Jeez, almost forgot that Harmonix said that the Rock Band 3 setlist will be exportable at some point! Huzzah! Good news indeed!

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