Sunday, September 20, 2015

WWE Night of Champions 2015 PPV Results

So it's been a long time since I've posted one of these. I was watching SummerSlam 2015 and I thought damn that is a good PPV, I wonder how Night of Champions is going to stack up against it. So it occurred to me, just maybe, I should write a blog post about it. (Update: Jeez, it took me a week to write the results, I know, I suck, but hey, at least it's gettin' done)

Neville & Dragons vs Cosmic Wasteland - I think this match will kick off the start of Night of Champions. It's got that sweet comic factor going on. Neville is quick as a whip and I see a strong showing since he's come off the win at the last PPV. The Lucha Dragons have been dynamite in the ring as well. Stardust is a veteran and having the Ascension in his corner doesn't hurt either. I can see this been a fast paced brutal match. Here's is how I think it's going to play out.

Winner: Cosmic Wasteland by Pinfall. *Cosmic Wasteland wins. Nice called it right off the gate! Glad to see Stardust get a win, and it would be nice to see the Ascension be a believable threat to the tag team division, I mean they did hold the NXT Tag Team Titles longer than anyone, hey WWE, it's about time to use em' or lose em'. 

Dolph Ziggler vs Rusev - With Lana out Dolph at a bit of a disadvantage (at least on the girlfriend front that is) but he has to look strong coming out of this PPV. The fans love em'. Rusev is the the chosen villain in this story. USA! USA! Sorry got caught up in the moment. What. What! Even though Dolph is probably going to go at it alone (wait for the Lana chants tonight!) I think it's going to roll a little something like this.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler by Pinfall. *Ziggler defeats Rusev! Two for two, not too shabby. These two have been going at it for a few months now. Let's see Ziggler go for a title now. Rusev can feud with Sheamus or Cesaro or the Big Show. I don't care. The storyline between Summer Rae and Lana is more interesting than the bad Russian hate America gimmick. We did this in the 80's didn't we. How time stands still.

The New Day vs The Dudley Boyz for the Tag Team Championship - New Day are newly crowned champs just at SummerSlam so I can see them fighting tooth and nail to retain. I can about damn near guarantee the crowd will be cheering for the Dudley Boyz as this could be their tenth championship, so let's be real here, a lot is on the line for both teams. But if it doesn't go down like this, I'll be a "sad panda".

Winner and NEW Tag Team Champions, The Dudley Boyz by Pinball. *Dudley Boyz wins by DQ. The New Day are still the tag champs. Ho-hum. The inner fanboy wants me to see the Dudley Boyz become the ten time champs, maybe at Hell in a Cell!

Seth Rollins vs John Cena for the United States Championship - I think this will be a good match between these two. Rollins first match of the night seeing him squaring off with John Cena who lost big at SummerSlam. Cena is gunning for that title. Both men are going to take each other to the limit. But in the end, someone's gotta win and someone's gotta lose. So here is what I think is what.

Winner and NEW United States Champion, John Cena by Submission. Cena wins the title. ... Great. Actually it's not that bad. I wouldn't mind him putting up the US title challenge again. That would be cool.

 Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, & ??? vs The Wyatt Family - So I think that is going to play out two ways, either we are going to see the mystery partner is Erick Rowan, where if that is the case, Rowan turns and now the Wyatt's are four people strong and the Wyatts get the win OR the third member is Seth Rollins (pulling triple duty!) to reunite the Shield for one night against the Wyatts. I really prefer the second option, hell, bring Rowan in at the end of match for a Shield beatdown. Sure, the audience will be pissed, but we could potentially see one more match between the Shield and the Wyatt Family. A man can dream right. Oh yeah, the winner I think we'll see is...

Winner: The Wyatt Family by Pinfall (Bray really needs a win!) *Totally wrong on who they would pick. Y2J for the win. Well actually, The Wyatt Family won this match. Which they needed. The crowd will still be hot for Reigns and Ambrose no matter what they do. But hey, Y2J!

Nikki Bella vs Charlotte for the Divas Championship - I am so angry with Nikki surpassing AJ Lee days as champion and how the Monday Night Raw match between the two were handled where the title is concerned. A amazing night for Charlotte turns into a nightmare and the fans (and me!) hated it. The situation has just been handled poorly. The only way it can all be righted is this way.

Winner and NEW Divas Champion Charlotte by Submission. *Charlotte defeats Nikki Bella! Bout' time. Enough said about that, the better! Let's see what Charlotte can do!

Ryback vs Kevin Owens for the Intercontinental Championship - Ryback is just coming off the staph infection and needs to build the IC title back up. Owens needs another belt under him to justify his "family, kids, more money" persona, and I'll be honest, he did a fine job with the NXT title, why not see what he can do with it. Ryback will probably get a rematch either the next night on RAW or at the next PPV. It could be anyone's game in this match, but I think the chips will fall this way.

Winner and STILL Champion, Ryback *Kevin Owens wins the IC title! Glad to see the kid get it honestly. He'll hold onto that title until he wants to let it go. Remember his NXT run as Champ? Yes, it is going to be crazy!

Seth Rollins vs Sting for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship - If Seth loses the US belt to Cena he has to keep the WWE World Heavyweight title around his waist, unless he decided to join the Shield again and battle with the Authority (hey, it COULD happen!), if he retains against Cena then I think the right thing to do (AKA "What's Best for Business") is to hand the title to Sting for a lengthy run. Please, and Thank You.

Winner and NEW WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Sting *Rollins retains the title, which is fine in my book. Since Seth lost the US title right before, it's amazing to see him actually pull it off. The Celtic Warrior tried to cash in the Money in the Bank contract but Kane, (good ol' Kane) stopped that. Totally loving this side of Kane's character. Glen Jacobs, what can't you do? Seriously, what can't you do?

I also think that they could have had the NXT titles up for grabs on the Pre-Show. Just my two cents there, thought it would be cool. What a way to get the crowd jazzed. Am I right?

Okay come back later tonight in a freakin' week when I reveal who came up aces and who's going home crying.

Stay tuned.

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